The main objective though of JMEMT is to provide the most critical technical information. To achieve this, JMEMT has implemented a solid peer-review process to ensure the quality of the technical material that is published. This peer-review process was introduced at the very first edition. It is, therefore, that the specialists submitting manuscripts for analyses, review, and publication must compel at least one paper from their domain. Once a manuscript is received, an acknowledgment will be sent to the author. This will be followed by a technical paper for peer-review. The manuscript will be reviewed by extensive review/referee network at the same time. Protection of Intellectual Property will be a number one priority at all times.
Formal reviewers, also known as referees, will contribute comments and their opinions that will, in turn, form the basis upon which the Editor will decide whether or not the paper will be published, and with what changes. The referees are required by JMEMT to treat all information in the papers going a review as privileged information, under no circumstances to be disclosed to others before the publication will take place. The referee will be guarded against any contact with the authors; this will be achieved by withholding personal details from both the parties. The final decision of the Chief-Editor will lay on the evaluation of all the reviews received. The review process will strive to ensure that all authors will have equal chances for publication of their papers in JMEMT.
The Peer-review, sometimes known as refereeing, is the process of presenting an author’s academic work, research, or any other work to the scrutiny of experts in a concerned field. The peer-review process demands community of specialists in different fields. Impartial reviews in narrow or inter-disciplinary fields can be sometimes difficult to achieve and their significance, big or small, may be never recognized among its contemporaries.
A publication that has not been reviewed is widely treated with a skeptical attitude by other scholars and field professionals. Peer-reviewed evaluations often include explicit recommendations of what has to be done with the manuscript. These recommendations may include:
JMEMT follows a strict blind peer-review program, wherein the reviewers are not aware of the identities of the authors of the papers which are being reviewed by them. This policy is a recent amendment to the existing set of guidelines so as to prevent any sort of favoritism. The JMEMT reviewers are selected after thorough screening process. JMEMT has a process of inviting applications from prospective reviewers. However, the publisher also individually contacts and invites competent individuals to join the esteemed board of JMEMT reviewers.